North American P-51 Mustang of the Swiss Air Force

Armament and Special equipment 


Coming soon: Details on Armament and Special equipment of the Swiss Air Force P-51 Mustangs.

Wing guns The wing guns of a P-51D Mustang, Browning M2
Rockets on P-51D Rocket installation on P-51D, presented at Dübendorf Airshow 1951

Rockets on P-51D Details of the Rocket installation, Dübendorf Airshow 1951

Swiss Air Force P-51 Mustangs equipped with cameras

Among the various sub-versions of the P-51 received in 1948 were 7 examples of the types F-6K-10-NT and F-6K-15-NT, plus a single F-6D-10-NA. The F-6 designation was the official identifier for the P-51 equipped with cameras for reconnaissance duties. The F-6K was the Tactical Reconnaissance version of the P-51K built at the North American Aviation (NAA) plant at Dallas, TX. The P-51K was similar to the P-51D built at NAA Inglewood, CA, but was equipped with an Aeroproducts propeller, instead of the Hamilton-Standard model used on the B-, C- and D-versions.  The F-6D was originally built as a P-51D, but converted to a reconnaissance F-6D.

Before the arrival of these Mustangs, the Swiss Air Force didn't have any considerable reconnaissance component in its inventory, and aerial photographs either were taken with handheld cameras, or by using some makeshift adaptions installed in aircraft types such as the K+W C-35 and F+W C-3603.

Due to the increased demand of aerial photogaphs, the Swiss Air force decided to convert another 7 P-51D's to F-6D standard to carry cameras, by using kits and drawings procured from the USAAF. The total 15 reconnaissance Mustangs, however, were not only used for aerial photography, but saw regular use with all Fighter Squadrons and for IT (individual training). 

P-51 on crane Camera equipped P-51D (F-6D) on crane, Dübendorf 1951
J-2107 Payerne Tactical Reconnaissance aircraft J-2107 at Payerne Airbase

The aircraft J-2107 seen above was one of the P-51D's converted in Switzerland.

Thun J-2091 Header photo: J-2091 another Tactical Reconnaissance Mustangs on display at Thun, 1953

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